Local reference number for international parcels

When your parcel travels internationally with Sendle, you'll be provided with a Sendle reference number and a local reference number. Here's everything you need to know about where to find them and how to use them.

Sendle reference number

This is a unique, alphanumeric tracking code is generated when you book a parcel with Sendle – used for following your parcel through Sendle's tracking system. It looks a little something like this: S3NDL3R.

You can find the Sendle reference number on your Sendle dashboard and on all tracking pages.

Local reference number

This is the tracking code that is generated by the local postal authority for the destination country of your parcel. This must be used when corresponding with the local postal authority directly and is of most use to the receiver. You can find the local reference number on the tracking pages.

We’ve also put useful information about postal and customs authorities here.

No local reference number provided?

In very rare occasions, no local reference number will be provided.

The reason for this is that we may not have received all of the tracking updates for the parcel from the destination country’s local postal authority.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that your parcel has stopped moving – just that the local tracking reference is unavailable. In some cases, it's only delayed (so won't be available as soon as the parcel is booked, but later on in its journey).

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