Sending alcohol with Sendle

Sendle is trusted by the tastiest distilleries, wineries and liquor subscription services to deliver parcels across Australia. 

If you're looking to send a parcel containing someone's favourite tipple, below is all of the information you need to send it successfully with Sendle.   

Do parcels containing alcohol require a signature?

No. Alcohol deliveries with Sendle are also delivered as a default with Authority to Leave (ATL), and can be delivered without a signature. We always recommend putting in helpful delivery instructions on your order!

However, keep in mind that:

  • A driver may not deliver a parcel with ATL if they deem it unsafe to do so, and this is at their discretion.
  • Drivers reserve the right to refuse delivery at any time. 

Important government regulations

There are some government regulated restrictions around the delivery of alcohol, like:

  • You must abide by your state’s regulations around advertising and selling alcohol online.
  • Please clearly mark on your parcel that it contains alcohol.

Packaging requirements for alcohol

Glass bottles are very fragile and are more susceptible to damage. Reading Sendle's packaging guidelines is a great place to start. 

For alcohol, we also suggest these additional measures:

  • Properly protect each individual bottle.
  • Note that simply placing a cardboard layer between bottles is insufficient – particularly with 6-packs.

Cover for alcohol deliveries

Alcohol deliveries are covered by Sendle's cover policy – please read our Cover Policy outline for more information.

But please keep in mind that ATL parcels are not covered by Sendle’s cover policy once they have been scanned as delivered. 

Sending alcohol with our Express service

At this time, we can't ship alcohol with our Express service, because of the mode of transport used (this is because it may include air travel). Sorry!

Sending alcohol internationally

At the moment, we are unable to send parcels containing alcohol with our international service.

Get in touch with our support team to find out more. 

You might find these articles helpful if you’re thinking about shipping alcohol:

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