Copying an order and sending multiple boxes

We’ve made it easy to send multiple parcels to the same location. This will save you time and hassle so you can get back to business! 

Below is a guide to the Sendle resend feature, allowing you to book multiple parcels effortlessly.

Use the resend button

If you want to copy a previous order or send more than one parcel, the simplest way to do this is to use the resend button.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Log in to your Sendle dashboard.
  2. Follow the steps to book a parcel for sending (complete the booking).
  3. There will be a ‘Resend’ button in the top right corner of the order you just made.
  4. Hit ‘Resend’ to create a new booking with the existing details – just fill in any key information.
  5. The copied order can be booked for pickup on the same day if you have multiple parcels going to the same address.

 Keep this in mind: 

  • Every parcel needs its own label. This means each parcel needs to be booked individually, and you can’t use the same label on more than one parcel (even if you stick them together). Our drivers won't accept them at pickup, and we can't guarantee it'll arrive all together.
  • Every address you use (for pickup and delivery) is stored for easy future use. This article will explain how to do it.
  • If orders are going to the same address on the same day, the parcels may occasionally get separated and not arrive at the same time. (This happens when a truck, cage or van is filled to the brim and there's no space left. While it is uncommon, it is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about.)

 These articles might be handy too:


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