When you create a Sendle account, we need to verify your email address for security purposes. This is done before you send your first parcel.
Can’t find your verification email from Sendle? It might be in your spam folder (check out this article).
But if you’re having trouble verifying your email address, here’s what you can do:
First off, check what email address you have linked to your Sendle account. You can find that by going to your settings tab https://app.sendle.com/dashboard/user_details/edit
If that doesn't work, try this:
- Delete all previous emails from Sendle about resetting your password (if any) from your inbox.
- Click on this link: https://app.sendle.com/users/password/new
- Enter the email address of your Sendle account.
- Click ‘Reset My Password’ – make sure you only click that once!
- After a few minutes, check your email for an email with the subject ‘Reset your Sendle password’.
- Follow the link in the message and enter a new password for your account.
Once you've entered your new password, you'll be logged in to your dashboard. This is the password you’ll use every time (unless you need to change it again!).