Why has the cost of my parcel been adjusted?

Sometimes a parcel can be unintentionally booked as a smaller size than it actually is.

We’ve found this happens most often when there’s been a miscalculation of volume (when you’re selecting the size of your parcel, you need to be under both the weight and the volume limits for each size) and length. This includes outer packaging, which also contributes to the total dimensions.

This article will explain what adjustment charges are, how they’re calculated and how to avoid them in the future.

Adjusted costs

If you have noticed an adjustment charge message on your Sendle order or on your invoice, it’s usually because the parcel was booked at a smaller size than it was measured at the depot. The machines measure the size of the parcel in its entirety – the weight as well as the outer packaging dimensions. 

The adjustment is just changing the booking to the correct size and weight break, and the cost is simply the difference between those breaks (as long as the adjusted size is still within our maximum weight and size limits). Adjustment charges may be applied to invoices up to 60 days after an order is completed.

Keep in mind: You may be charged an oversized fee if the parcel is measured at the depot and declared to be over the maximum dimensions Sendle can ship (anything over 25kg and 100L and 1.8m).



You can find a detailed breakdown of the adjustment charge in the CSV download in your Sendle invoice


How adjustments are applied:

  1. Once parcels are picked up, they go through either an automated dimension and weight measuring machine or a manual check to confirm the parcel’s exact volume and weight. The machine will take into account the weight of the parcel, as well as the total dimensions of the packaging it’s in (so make sure you’re using the smallest packaging size you can for the contents).
  2. This information comes through to Sendle and if the size is larger than what was originally booked, then the cost is adjusted to reflect the measured length, volume and weight of the parcel.
  3. You’ll be charged the difference (in addition to your original booking). 
  4. The price adjustment will be shown on the parcel’s tracking page and on your invoice. Remember, adjustment charges may be applied to invoices up to 60 days after an order is completed.

Here’s an example: 

Say you selected the Shoebox size (max weight 3kg and max volume 12L) for a parcel going from Sydney to Melbourne. You’re quoted and charged $12.65. Everything is dandy!

But when the parcel is picked up and scanned by the machine, we get a report that shows the parcel was actually 2.5kg and 18L in volume (which is higher than the Shoebox volume allowance).

Because the volume was higher, the system will push the parcel into the ‘Briefcase’ size and into the Briefcase price bracket (which in this case is $15.95).

Therefore, you’ll see an adjustment charge of $3.30 for that order ($15.95 - $12.65 = $3.30). This is simply a price adjustment to cover the difference.

We'll show you a detailed breakdown on the parcel's order page or in your invoice CSV download.


If you believe the adjustment has been made in error, we recommend you reach out to our support team. Just make sure you include any relevant information like parcel weight and dimensions, or even photos (if you have them). We can then follow it up with our delivery provider, who will verify this information with photos from the scanning machines.

How to avoid cost adjustments in the future

When you’re booking your next parcel, choose a size that fits both the weight and volume under the limit. 

If a parcel has been over-stuffed or not packaged quite right, it can add extra dimensions and volume to the parcel – which means there often needs to be an adjustment made to the booking.

Keep in mind: If you’re sending anything ‘Handbag’ size or larger in a bag, use the smallest packaging (or tape down excess space) to avoid paying for unused volume. Also, parcels 

But if you don’t have time for maths, our order form makes it super easy (and quick). Just put in your parcel’s total dimensions (once it’s in the packaging), and it’ll help you determine the correct size to book.


All of the info about our parcel sizes and weights is in this article.


Other Adjustments 

Used refunded labels

We strongly recommend against shipping any orders that have been cancelled, as these may be refused by the driver, or disposed of. Instead, we recommend creating a new shipping label.

If you ship a cancelled order that has already been refunded, an adjustment charge for the original purchase price will be applied, reinstating the original delivery price. This will appear on your invoice with the description Used refunded label. Please note: if you ship a cancelled order, they are not eligible for cover or extra cover. 

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