Tracking the parcel I'm receiving

Every parcel with Sendle is given a unique order reference number and tracking link—for free! We make tracking your parcel super easy and efficient.

Tracking visibility

Here are the different ways you can track a Sendle parcel: 

  • Via the simple tracking page ( using the Sendle reference number you got from the sender (it looks a little something like this: S3NDL3R).
  •  Email notifications (if the sender used your email address when making the booking).
  •  In the Sendle dashboard (if you have a Sendle account).

Manage your parcel in the Sendle Toolbox

You can manage your delivery through the Sendle Toolbox on your parcel's tracking page. It’s a quick and easy way to update details, inquire about late packages, or start shipment investigations. 

If the parcel is late

If your parcel hasn’t arrived yet and it’s been more than two days since the delivery estimate, this article will explain what to do. 

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Get instant support with the Sendle Toolbox

If something goes wrong with your delivery or you need to make a change to your order, use the tools in the Manage Parcel section on the parcel tracking page.

Access Support Tools
You will need your Sendle reference number
to access your parcel's tracking page.

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