Where to find the parcel's reference number

In this article, we’ll show you how to locate that handy order reference number if you need to track your order or if you’re contacting our support team. 

To find your reference number, you have two options (explained below).

Option 1: Your Sendle dashboard

Head over to your dashboard and it’ll be in the “Sending” section (see below):


Option 2: In your email 

Or you can find it in your email confirmation and notifications. It looks like this:


How to track your order

Now you know how to locate your order reference number, you can use it to track your order in your dashboard or via the basic tracking page. You’ll find more info in this article.

If you want to find more ways you can keep track of your order, check out these:

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Get instant support with the Sendle Toolbox

If something goes wrong with your delivery or you need to make a change to your order, use the tools in the Manage Parcel section on the parcel tracking page.

Access Support Tools
You will need your Sendle reference number
to access your parcel's tracking page.

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