Update my Sendle account details - I'm the sender

Want to update your account details with Sendle, or upgrade your account plan? No worries.

This article will let you know how to change your personal information, pickup address, password, API, and even your payment and plans.

How to change your personal details

  1. Login to your dashboard.
  2. Go to the Settings page.
  3. Click on the ‘Account’ tab from the top menu.
  4. Update your name, email, phone number and timezone.

How to change your password

  1. Login to your dashboard.
  2. Go to the Settings page.
  3. Click on the ‘Password’ tab from the top menu.
  4. Enter your old password and then the new one.
  5. Click the ‘Change password’ button.

How to change your pickup address

  1. Login to your dashboard.
  2. Go to the Settings page.
  3. Click on the ‘Pickup’ tab from the top menu.
  4. Update your address details and pickup instructions.
  5. Make sure you’ve ticked the box agreeing to the Dangerous Goods declaration too!

How to check your Sendle account plan

The Plan tab contains downloadable PDF files for all domestic and international plans. 

Can’t remember what Sendle plan you’re on or want to upgrade? Here’s how:

  1. Login to your dashboard.
  2. Go to the Settings page.
  3. The title will show you what plan you’re currently on:
  4. Download or print the information about Sendle Plans from the icons:mceclip1.png
  5. If you want to update or upgrade your account plan, get in touch with our support team.
    - in the field 'About' select 'I have a question about using Sendle' > 'About managing my account and plan' > 'Change account plan'
  6. If you don't meet the minimum required volume your account automatically gets downgraded.

How to update your billing information

The Payment tab is useful for saving a record of your billing contact information and linking your Velocity Frequent Flyer account.

  1. Login to your dashboard.
  2. Go to the Settings page.
  3. Click on the ‘Billing contact’ tab from the top menu.
  4. Update billing contact information in the fields provided (this article will be helpful too).
  5. You can replace or remove a stored card too – just head over here to find out how.

 More information about Sendle accounts:

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If something goes wrong with your delivery or you need to make a change to your order, use the tools in the Manage Parcel section on the parcel tracking page.

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