Squarespace integration: Troubleshooting

Running into trouble with your Squarespace integration? Here’s some simple troubleshooting steps to help you answer the most common questions about order status, cancelling orders, and tracking.

Order status

Our Squarespace integration only looks for orders that have been paid for but haven’t been shipped yet. This means we rely on the Squarespace site to update an order once that order is paid for. If an order is unpaid but marked as "Completed", we recommend you get in touch with Squarespace to get this rectified.

Cancelling an order

Need to cancel an order? No problem. You can cancel from your Sendle dashboard by clicking the red ‘Cancel order’ button in the ‘Manage parcel’ section before it’s been picked up.

After that, you will need to open up your Squarespace account in a separate window and cancel the order from there as well (we recommend reaching out to Squarespace if you need help with this step).


Tracking will sync automatically with your Squarespace site if you are booking via the Squarespace integration in your Sendle dashboard. If you are booking outside of this integration, either individually or as bulk/CSV, the tracking information can be manually added to your Squarespace account.

If you're the buyer, not the seller

The Squarespace and Sendle integration only works for items sold, not bought. This means that only the seller can send parcels via the integration. If you’re a receiver, you can use the regular Sendle dashboard for any parcel booking, but keep in mind that it does not sync or connect tracking or parcels details with yours or the seller's Squarespace account. You’ll still get tracking emails if the sender has used your email address in the original booking.

Still no luck?

Let our Support team know if you’re still having problems with the Squarespace integration. Just remember to include as much information as possible, including relevant screenshots.

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