If you come across an incorrect charge in your account, it’s usually nothing to worry about and it’ll reverse itself.
This article will help explain what kinds of charges might show up, and what to do if you think you may have one.
Duplicate charges
Occasionally, banks will show extra charges on your statement (it’s usually around $1). This is often caused by an 'authorization' or 'holding charge' where the payment processor is simply checking to see if you have enough funds—and then they immediately cancel it.
However, due to the way banking technology works, this sometimes takes a few days to disappear. If you think you've been charged the wrong amount:
- Wait 5-10 days for this process to resolve itself.
- If it’s still showing up in your transaction history, please let us know and we'll help you get to the bottom of it (just make sure you include your statement as an attachment when you contact Sendle Support).
But… why does this happen?
Sendle uses Stripe to collect payments on a weekly basis. For certain credit cards, Stripe uses an authorization process that means a $0 or $1 request is sent to your bank, holding the amount. This ensures the card is valid and the bank will allow a charge to be authorized.
This is a standard protocol in online payments. It is automatically reversed, so you'll never pay a cent more than you should.
Worried about an incorrect charge?
If you think we’ve made a mistake, or you’re worried about a charge connected to your account, get in touch and we’ll make it right.