Our delivery estimates are there to help you get an idea on what day your orders are expected to be delivered, giving you peace of mind.
This article has more information about our delivery estimates:
Find your delivery estimate
Each time you place an order with Sendle, we give you a delivery estimate (kind of like an ETA). This will give you an idea of how long parcels like yours usually take to get to their destination.
Here’s how it works:
- Every time you confirm a booking within the Sendle dashboard, you'll receive a delivery estimate before you complete the booking. It’ll look like this:
- Once you confirm the order, you can find the delivery estimate anytime on your Sendle dashboard or on it's tracking page while the parcel is in transit.
What if it’s been more than two business days since the delivery estimate date?
If it has been more than two business days since the delivery estimate date—and there’s been no update to the tracking information—your parcel may be running late. You can find everything you need to know in this article about delayed parcels.