Get a quote

Understanding how much your deliveries will cost with Sendle is really simple–you can do it all from within your dashboard or by using the instant shipping calculator. 

For your business

Sendle has small business experts on hand for you to chat with. Find out how Sendle could save you time and money (not to mention hassle) on your shipping by reaching out

For individual parcels

To get a quote for a single parcel, you can use our quote tool (no need to even log in!).

Or you can do it from your dashboard by adding the delivery location and package size. If you don't have an account yet, it takes just 30 seconds to sign up for free!

New account holders

You can try out our simple quote tool on our pricing page without signing in. Once you do sign up to Sendle, you can also grab a quote from your dashboard by just clicking 'Send a parcel' then:

  • Fill out your address information and affirm the hazardous materials declaration, 
  • Choose the correct parcel size, based on your parcel volume and weight,
  • Enter just the zip code for where your shipment is going,
  • And, along the right side of your Sendle dashboard, you will see your price. 

Existing account holders

If you have sent a parcel with Sendle before, the only information you'll need is:

  • The delivery zip code. 
  • The size of the parcel you’re about to send.

You will then see your price along the right side of your Sending dashboard. 

When you’re ready to start Sendling, check these out:

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Get instant support with the Sendle Toolbox

If something goes wrong with your delivery or you need to make a change to your order, use the tools in the Manage Parcel section on the parcel tracking page.

Access Support Tools
You will need your Sendle reference number
to acess your parcel's tracking page.

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