To get the most accurate price for your parcel, we recommend measuring and weighing the parcel.
However, Sendle has a dedicated 4oz option for sending smaller, lighter items under our 'common' sizes. It's called Keychain. There’s no need to prepay or bulk-buy our most affordable option—simply pay for what you send.
The basics:
Weight requirements
Your Keychain parcel weighs less than 4oz (or .25 lb).
Costs associated with the Keychain 4oz
We recommend using your dashboard to get a quick estimate and the most accurate price for your parcel size and route. -
Is a signature included?
Shipments are automatically labeled as "Authority to Leave", which means that they do not require a signature.
Packaging requirements
The parcel must not exceed 108” in combined length and circumference and no side can exceed 18". You can buy packaging from your favorite packaging or office supply store. For this size, you can use a box, an envelope, or a soft bag (padded is fine).
The details:
Are shipping labels prepaid?
There’s no need to prepay or bulk-buy. When you book online, you’ll be given a label to download and attach to your shipment. The best part is that you only pay for what you book. -
What cover policies are available?
Sendle Cover is available for all shipments. The level of coverage is the same for all packages on Sendle. Read more here.
Want more information about packaging correctly for Sendle?