International shipping times depend heavily on the country you’re sending to and their local postal services – they’re the ones who are responsible for the final leg of delivery.
Sometimes international parcels show ‘in transit’ on the tracking page for a longer period of time because the way the shipping is handled in that particular country, and whether or not they have end-to-end tracking.
This means your parcel’s tracking page could show in transit when it could already be with the receiver!
Because each country handles postage differently, we publish the tracking number for the local delivery agent on your Sendle tracking page. This way, both you and the receiver can check its status once it’s made its way to the destination country. We’ve popped more information about the local reference number in this article.
If you include the receiver’s email on the booking, we can help you set expectations upfront by sending them an email with the delivery estimate once the parcel is in transit.