Receiver information

This article will help you understand where and how we use receiver information.

When you place an order with Sendle, we ask for information about the person receiving the parcel. This information is only used in relation to the delivery of the parcel and not for any of our own marketing purposes.

Heads up: These details are essential for all deliveries, in particular international parcels where the receiver may have to pay import duties, or complete additional paperwork depending on the goods being shipped. If we don't have their phone number and email address there may be issues delivering their parcels.

Receiver details to include:


The receivers name is required and will appear on the label and within the Sendle dashboard wherever we show order or parcel details.


Providing the receiver's email address will allow us to inform the receiver of the parcel tracking number when the parcel is picked up. It means we can also contact them directly if there are any delays or issues in delivering the parcel. 

It also gives the receiver access to the Sendle Toolbox a quick and easy way to manage elements of the delivery like delivery instructions, organising redeliveries, parcel investigations, and more.

This not only speeds up the delivery process but limits the potential for communication delays. On the rare occasion that a delivery hiccup occurs, it's super convenient for us to be able to resolve them with the receiver directly - they always really appreciate this. 

The email address will only appear on your dashboard wherever the parcel details are displayed and will not be added to any marketing information. Sendle does not create an account for receiver email addresses. 

Please note that if a receiver separately signs up for a Sendle account, they will then receive the same marketing information all account-holders receive, unless they change their email preferences.

Phone number

Providing a contact phone number for the receiver allows either the delivery driver or our support staff to call them to help with delivery. For example, if a delivery driver is having trouble locating or accessing the delivery address.

The phone number will be displayed in your dashboard order details and on the parcel label where the delivery driver can find it.

Company and address

An address is required to process the order and will be included on the label and in the order details on Sendle. This information will also be included in some email communication to the receiver if you provided their email address as part of the order.

Optionally, a company name can be provided to help with delivery and will be displayed in the same places as the address.

Happy Sendling! 

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Get instant support with the Sendle Toolbox

If something goes wrong with your delivery or you need to make a change to your order, use the tools in the Manage Parcel section on the parcel tracking page.

Access Support Tools
You will need your Sendle reference number
to access your parcel's tracking page.

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